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Delight Customers with
AI powered Smarter Conversations

Easy To use WhatsApp API suite,
AI Live chatbots, Bulk Messaging tools etc
Happy Customers = Happy Business

Make Appointments

Make Appointments

Get your users to make appointments at your preferred scheduled slots with our built-in tools

Generate Leads

Generate Leads

Get your visitors to turn up with our AI based chatbot. Explore your Customer journey.

Build Sales Funnels

Build Sales Funnels

Create interactive sales funnels which helps EASY conversion of website Visitors To esteemed valued Customers.

Get Insights

Get Insights

Our AI Data Driven solutions helps every business to know MORE about your Customer Interests to build Robust AI Engineering Systems

Why Your Business needs Vajra

As customers talk to Vajra, it gathers information about your website and product, then aggregates this information to provide insights.




Human Errors


Waiting Time


Conversion Rate




Marketing ROI




Lead Value

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How it Works

1. Build

1. Build

Visually build chatbots quickly through an intuitive interface, designed for non-technical people. Conversational marketing made for marketing professionals.

2. Launch

2. Launch

Add a code snippet to your site (like Google Analytics) and launch in less than 5 minutes. Control what it says, when it launches & how it looks.

3. Strengthen + Optimise

3. Strengthen + Optimise

You’ll receive fully transparent analytics, and data that allows you to optimize your bot.

4. Easily Train

4. Easily Train

Gather the data you need to train your chatbot and easily leverage top NLP and machine learning platforms to make advanced, intelligent chatbots

Ultimate showcase of analytics

Bring advanced intelligence into your Business with our Vajra AI for EASY conversion of Website Visitors into esteemed Customers.

check iconCustomer insights

check iconAI interactive Bot

check iconAdvanced Analytics

Get Started Now is the best solution for your business

Ready to use No Code Platform is platform that uses a visual development interface to enable non-technical users to build applications by dragging and dropping software applications to create a full app.
We can build a solution faster than anyone else. After just a few days, the virtual agent is operational and ready for testing. We include a report on expected resolution rate and potential cost savings.
Our intuitive no-code conversational AI platform empowers frontline teams to automate customer service without tech support. Because with, you don’t need developers to automate.
If a virtual agent can’t understand, it won’t be able to help. It’s why NLU is so crucial for successful automation. Our market-leading NLU gives our virtual agents consistent resolution rates of over 90% - in any language.
Better customer experience
Direct messaging is the preferred channel for interactions because of its speed and simplicity. This is particularly true for Millennials and younger generations.
Live agent
Our platform enables agents & virtual assistants to work hand-in-hand, offering recommendations, validating predictions & making each other better with every conversation.

Whatsapp Pricing

Best Solution. Best Price. Get the plan that's suitable for your Business



  • 300 conversations a month
  • 100 Contacts
  • 300 Bulk Notifications
  • 3 Groups
  • 1 Admin
  • Limited Widgets
  • Live Chat
  • Drip Messages
  • Lead Forms
  • Gallery
  • Additional Numbers



+ GST /month

  • 1000 conversations a month
  • 10,000 Contacts
  • 10,000 Bulk Notifications
  • 10 Groups
  • 1A + 2M + 2B
  • All Widgets
  • Live Chat
  • Drip Messages
  • Lead Forms
  • 25 MB Gallery
  • Additional Numbers

We also offer Custom plans for Businesses. Please contact us.

Get Early Access

The Next Generation AI Chatbot is here. We would love to have you as our Valued Customer.
Sign up with us to get the early access and special discounts.